Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Yager / Jager

While surfing Google News I came upon an article titled Tom Yager - Weblog and while it has NOTHING to do with Jager Meiser, it reminded me that nobody knows that I like Jager!

Last summer I had the pleasure of having a Jager Meister gift pack purchased for me by my good friend Jenny. In this gift pack, there were 2 shot glasses (very spiffy looking) and a big-ol bottle of Jager. Before the night was over, I and the rest of us (a motley crew of 4) had nearly downed the bottle in it's entirety (the remainder was stolen by one of the crew). Leaving me with a slight hang over, Jenny with some regrets and the remainder of the crew fighting off a terrible hang-over.

If anybody has any good recipies for killing a hang-over (except drinking more), please comment as this information would be extremely useful.


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