Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Yeah yeah yeah - part 2

Wow, sorry for not updating more recently - but life, as you know has been interesting. The pyschopaths at work decided that they would be better off without me for the next week and a half and subsequently told me to take the rest of the time off (with pay for the entire 30 day span that they promised me). Makes me all sorts of mad to know that they wanted me out so badly. The good news is that last night I secured a job with a shipping company based out of a city about 25 miles away. Not a horrible commute, but not the best either. The bad news is that they will probably hire me at a lower rate than I was getting at CMS. Good news is that I have found a job in just under a day, significantly reducing the amount of overall stress on me. Today I lounged about the house all day, of course that was between the long periods of time that I spent cleaning up around here.
We still haven't finished putting everything from our wedding away and there are still 3 big boxes in my (small) front yard as well as a few small ones around my door. I am going to try to slip one or two of those boxes in the trash tomorrow morning before the garbage truck comes to take it all away. With any luck I will be able to empty my front yard before Friday.
Even though it has only been a day and a half, I all ready feel like I am a looser for not having an actual job to go to. I know that my wages are paid up until the 26th, but that doesn't make me feel any better about being technically unemployeed. My wife has been extremely understanding of the whole situation - in fact everyone that I tell about my previous job tells me that they wouldn't have stayed as long as I did. Gives me a little tingly feeling - that staying against all odds sort of one. Although I know that I won't stay this long in the future, it just doesn't pay.
Until later then,
~ Mr. Me ~


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