Saturday, October 02, 2004


YTD: $-8
Those of you that throughout that my gambling debt was something that was holding me down can now feel good for me since I just spent a couple of evenings out with my wife at the local gambling depots - and winning of course ;) The other day she won $70 and today we came out with an extra $20. I am trying to keep my share of the money separate so that I can keep an accurate account of how much money I have personally lost and am happy to report a great gain since last time :)

Today I spent a bunch of time filling out an application at a temp service (Westaff for those of you that want to know). The actual Westaff app was very short (~5 mins) however the app for the job that I wanted to apply for was very long. It only took me about an hour and 45 mins but it felt like forever. I also fixed my uncle-in-laws' (is there such a term?) computer. It had unholy amounts of spyware in it. So much in fact that it seemed like each layer of spyware I pealed off of it yielded another layer with even more! It took about 2 hours to clean off and me being the nice guy I am only charged him $30 (although I could have gotten away with $50 for sure). Yesterday I fixed a friend of my brother-in-laws' computer and he has yet to pay me even though it was only $20. Hopefully I won't have to get a collection agency involved ... hippie.

It seems that Baren won't be changing his mind about going to Japan, kinda makes me wish that there was something I could do to make him stay. Yet - if he will be happier in Japan, then I say let him go to Japan. Japan. Japan ... just had to say it a few more times to let it sink in.

I am still rendering my 1024 x 768 thingie in Bryce. I started it yesterday morning at 8 AM and it isn't done yet ... 85% and counting baby. By my calculations it should only take about another 6.5 hours to complete. Ergo it should be done by the time that I wake up in the morning. I can't wait to see how it turned out. I promise to make an effort to attempt to try to post it on my DeviantArt page.

Until later then.
~ Mr. Me ~

*goes to check Baren & Dr. Worm's blogs*


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