Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Black Plague

Just where have I been? What have I been doing? Where did the posts go? Guess what, yes, I left you - but never fear I will be returning periodically enough to annoy you.

I have been busy, I got a new job - don't know if I mentioned that before, I went on vacation (for 11 days, despite my new job), and I have had the black plague for the past 2 weeks. Ok so the "doctor" calls it "Bronchitis", but it felt like the plague, it really "did". Aside from the quick overview I have just given, I feel compelled to give you all more information. Yet the only information I will share is that my work involves 12 hour days (actually since I got back from vacation - 12 hour nights). With this piece of information you may have already figured out what I am about to say - I just got off work and am dead tired. I'll update you all to the other things I mentioned later - notice the lack of a specific date/time.

Word homies,
~ Mr. Me ~


At February 18, 2007 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush and the Republicans were not protecting us on 9-11, and we aren't a lot safer now. We may be more afraid due to george bush, but are we safer? Being fearful does not necessarily make one safer. Fear can cause people to hide and cower. What do you think? Is killing thousands of innocent civilians okay when you are doing a little government makeover?
Our country is in debt until forever, we don't have jobs, and we live in fear. We have invaded a country and been responsible for thousands of deaths.
The more people that the government puts in jails, the safer we are told to think we are. The real terrorists are wherever they are, but they aren't living in a country with bars on the windows. We are.


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