Thursday, April 05, 2007

Now This It's What It Is Like When Hippies Collide

I can't imagine what ya'll have been up to without me around, but without you around I have been bizzy - in the non-traditional way. I have been working much more than a rational, sane person should - and at the same time trying to cram down a "Teach Yourself in 21 Days" book. I am glad to say that it only took me 5 weeks to cram 3 weeks of book down my gullet.

Other than reading, I have been brushing up on my Photoshopping skillz (mad skillz - hence the "z" on the end of skill...). I found a nifty series called "How To Wow", which I gobbled up. I have increased my skill 10 fold (now THAT is a level up baby!) and it shows. I took a picture that my niece has been running around with - read as "carrying with her everywhere except into the bath tub" - and have digitally remastered it (like Lucas Film esque) into a bonified original. It took 3 hours (twice, since my computer crashed right before I had the presence of mind to save) but it was totally worth it to see her face when I gave her a copy of her picture in better than new condition. Of course she is 5 and probably would have been just as happy if I had given her a picture of a pink puppy, but I digress...

I wish that I could say that I had been productive in my new house and all, but I am ashamed (and yet a bit proud) to say that my christmas lights are still up, despite it being incredibly warm outside (supposed to be 77 tomorrow!). Since I am like most Americans, I'll blame global warming, gas prices, hippies, politics, and who could forget good old fashion procrastination.

I'd like to take this moment to rant a bit about the SciFi channel. They are mindless hippie scum who take for granted their viewing audience. I loathe you and can't stand you. I am disgusted that you cancelled Stargate SG1 (last 10 new episodes starting April 13th [Friday the 13th]) right after promoting the hell out of the "landmark 200th episode". How dare you spit on your fan base? I for one will only watch the final episodes of SG1 and then only Stargate Atlantis episodes from your station. I won't watch them live - I'll DVR every episode just so that I don't watch your commercials. Since you can't continue to support my needs with Stargate SG1, I'm not going to support your needs with commercial viewing.

In closing, I'd like to give a shout out to my homie Dr. Worm. Word yo.

~ Mr. Me ~


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