Wednesday, July 21, 2004

When was it that I posted last?

Yeah, it was on 6/16 ... yeah - a full month +5 days.  I wanted to take the time to appologize profusely to all-ya'll for not being more current.  Things have been odd to say the least.  I had a hum-drum birthday that involved 0 alcohol and winning an astoundingly small amount of 25 cents on the video poker machine.  After that, things quieted down for a little bit until no less than 1 week before my wedding (wait for the pictures, they will come...) I traveled the 550 miles to Salt Lake City to hammer out all of the little details that you can't even hope to plan out.
Upon my arrival in SLC, I promptly twiddled my thumbs and was the good groom-to-be while the time ticked away.
Thursday was fairly unimpressive, but did contain a bachelor party that involved nothing more than a visit to a local Hooters (and for the record, it's not just an owl thing) and a tasty cake shaped like a woman from the neck to the thighs.
On Friday, when my fiance informed me that I had better get something done, I talked with my co-best man and fanangled some of his high speed internet from him to requisition some muzak for the festivities.  So I went and managed to find some half decent music, happily proposed by  However by the time we needed to go to the rehersal, it turned into a measly 35 songs (5 of which were unusable if others were chosen for specific events).  I rushed out from Matt's (co-best man) house to get to the rehersal at our wedding site.  We were not the first, and not the last (thank god!) and managed to only arrive 2 minutes late.  After the rehersal we had arranged to have a rehersal dinner a few hours later which let me appropriate a few more songs before eating dinner.  By this point, I had and I decided to kick back, enjoy the night and enjoy the rental house that had the majority of the out of town fam staying in (which coincidentally had a very relaxing hot tub - which we squeezed six and a quarter people in). 
Saturday, the wedding day, I awoke early and dashed over to Matt's house to finish the muzak which we had to arrange and burn to CD since the site wouldn't let us hook up to their equipment.  We finished assembling the musik at 2:00 PM, just a mere 2 hours prior to the event, which was nerve racking to say the very least.  I ditched my vehicle (attempting to save it from the inevitable decorating) in the local mall parking lot and scampered off to the site to get ready.  I arrived at 2:45 and piddled around finishing some miniscule details (cameras on tables, black socks for everyone etc) until about 3:10 when I decided that I needed to drop the kids off at the pool, shave and generally start getting ready.  When I was just about to get done, I realized that we were one pair of black socks short, even though just two minutes prior we had just enough.  People came and went from the mens dressing room, no body could find the missing socks!  Finally I had to take a pair that I had given to my usher so I could finish up and take "the great walk".  After the rather rapid ceremony I spent a great deal of time taking photographs and mingling with the people.  All and all it was a good time.
My new wife and I ventured to a local spot for anniversaries, The Anniversary Inn where we spent the night.
Sunday morning, at 5:30 AM when I went out to get some meds from our car (which we had swapped back immediately after the reception on Saturday) I discovered the debacle that was our vehicle (a picture or two coming sooner or later).  The worst part of it all was the dark colored "Good Day" - Oreo replacement that merged into the paint on our vehicle by the time we were able to wash them off (at 11:30 in the morning).  Sunday afternoon we made half of the long journey to the house we rented on the Oregon coast.  Which involved coming down out of some beautiful mountains into a little town that I can't remember the name of but had a beautiful hotel, The Geiser Grand where we stayed the night.  Monday we finished our long journey and arrived.  Primarily we lounged about the gorgous house and enjoyed the ocean view with very little other activity.

Well this has by far been the longest of my posts here, and I am sure that just reading that has made you not only tired, but also regretful that you spaced sending something small for our wedding and now have the chance by pressing that little button up top that says "Make a Donation".  Alternatively you have decided to skip this entire post and skip straight to the ones that sound like I make a bigger ass of myself. 
Either way, take it easy,
  ~ Mr. Me ~


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