Saturday, January 22, 2005

Fear and Cheese

Mark your calendars because today is a red letter day - yes it is the day that I, Mr. Me, triumphantly return to the world of the internet. You may be asking - what took you so freaking long to update your blog, and you would have a legitimate gripe, however I decline to directly answer your well thought out question and instead respond with another question. What took you all so long to decide to come looking for me?!? I am appalled that it took such a long time for ya'll to come hunting me (notice how I cleverly diverted the anger you had at me, he he he). All said and done, I have been busy - yes a tried and true reason that most people will readily believe and for those of you that don't believe it, you have good reason since I have actually been lazy and lurking behind the scenes waiting for someone to notice that I am gone. Hopefully it won't take this long when I die for everyone to come looking for me or I will be quite stinky by the time they find me.

In all honesty, I want to apologize for not taking the time to contribute my 2 cents for you to read up on. Speaking of my 2 cents, has anyone read Dr. Worm's latest post? I read it 3 times - once aloud - to see if I could figure out how to pronounce that cursed word. I finally broke down and asked him (over the phone), he said Fah. Now I know that I can do a better job of describing the exact sound of this word than he did. It's like you are about to say "fuck" but you notice that your parents are watching so you cut off the "ck" at the end. See that makes a whole lot more sense.
Since I am taking the time to criticize Dr. Worm's posts, I figure that I had better poke fun at Baren's too ................... ok, I looked and he has been infallible recently - don't hate me Dr. Worm, seriously it was nothing personal.

Jebus! I almost forgot to let ya'll know why this post is finding it's way to the net after midnight on a Friday (yes that is odd for me). I got a new job. Yes a real job that doesn't require me to be outside where it is currently 24 degrees (and it hasn't gotten above 45 for the last week). Now I know that there are going to be some critics when I tell you my job title, so let me start off by telling you other uninteresting facts. It is a job with the state and although it is a temporary job (~6 months) there is a possibility of staying on full time afterwards. Even if I don't get invited to stay longer, it will look good on my resume. It is a night job, from 5 pm to 1 am. Perfect for me ... it just means that I have to shift my sleep schedule to accommodate it. It pays the most I have ever been paid and has potential for overtime hours. Just in case you were wondering - a whopping 11.88 per hour. If I do get to stay on, there will be benefits for very cheap. For those of you that just skipped most of the above paragraph, the job is a Janitor at the legislative council bureau. See, I knew that you would judge me - hippies (*sniff sniff*).

And now you know why I finally found time to update my blog for ya'll to enjoy, my wife is asleep and the internet needs refreshing - nothing new on my fav sites. See I do need you for something ... entertainment silly! For those of you wondering, yes I know that the majority of people that read this are related to me in one way or another and probably know most of the things contained herein, but then what would be the fun of reading all of this? Perhaps to make your also dull lives less dull and more spamtastic? Or perhaps because you had given up on me and vowed to only check my site once a week to punish me? Who knows - it will be interesting to see who acknowledges my big return first - my bet is Dr. Worm since I kind of tipped him off when I last communicated to him. However there has been a lot of crying wolf, so perhaps someone else will beat him to it.

The race is on - comment below to let me know you were here and I'll award some points that mean nothing to the first place, and fewer points to the next few.

Until later then,
~ Mr. Me ~


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