Friday, March 18, 2005

Fu*k That

If the title didn't give it away, I am pissed off and this entire post will be one big rant (fair warning: this post contains EXTREME profanity).

Wednesday night (at work) I found out that I didn't get that job that I talked about being so worried about. Yeah instead it went to another fucking asshole that doesn't have better credentials or interviewed better, but rather has been there longer. Mother fucking son of a bitch. I spent all that time being all nervious about that god damn interview and then so bloddy happy that I nailed that shit. I am starting to think that it was all bullshit to begin with. They probably wanted to hire that ass-rag before they even ran the advertisement for the position - they just needed a reason to take him instead of other applicants. I figure that it was either that or he gave the men blowjobs.
Damn that makes me feel a hell of a lot better. I would like to appologize for this post and somewhat suspiciously deny that it ever happened. Just thought that someone out there would/could relate.

~ Mr. Me ~

PS - Don't fault me for spelling inconsistancies my incoherent ramblings. Most of these posts come at ya after a full 8 hours of running my ass off and around 2 AM - AM people!


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