Saturday, February 05, 2005

Week 2: Done

My second week at my job is finished, with the exception that I have to go in tomorrow to do some cleaning. Saturday is all overtime though, which means that my 2 pm - ?? means pure profit.

Well, I thought that I went over board on Monday with my insanely long (and politically slanted) rant of the minute however my good buddy Dr. Worm thinks it is "some of my best stuff" which makes me wonder: is my blog more entertaining as a place to vent my frustrations with the world? To that end, I have decided that I really need a good place to vent, and since nobody said that they *hated* my last post, I will assume that ya'll will keep reading and occasionally commenting.

So, I went to the University of Nevada Reno with my wife today to get some paperwork stuff figured out and to do a little recon on finding out how to get into the college of business. All went fine with my wife's meeting, I was not so lucky. We found the proper building and navigated our way to the counseling room with minimal hassle - so far so good. When we arrived at the door, there was a paper that said something like "Hours of operation 8 - 1 pm, 2pm - (whenever)". No problem - except that we were there at about 1:30 ... bummer. My wife peeked in the door and saw a secretary - so we snuck in and waited very patiently for "Betty" to get off the phone (we had a seat). After about 2 minutes the secretary hung up, muttering about being on hold for too long and finally asked us what we wanted. I told her that I needed some information on what was required to get into the college of business. Her reply: "Well, I don't know exactly ... you would need to talk to one of our advisors", okay at least I tried. Just as I was about to stand up to leave, she asked if there was a more specific question that she might be able to answer, so being the kind hearted person that I am, I asked *politely* if she knew if I needed to take a test to get into the program. She answered almost identically to my last question. At this point the only thing that I wanted was to leave, I knew that she was going to be no help. I told her that I understood and again made a move to stand - no dice. Betty moved over to a well organized display of pamphlets and brochures, asking me if I had taken any college classes previously - or picked my major. I told her yes and tried to explain where I received my credits and what degree I was working towards, but she cut me off by telling me that they offered a variety of majors. Each brochure that she picked up (which coincidentally corresponded to the majors available at this institution) she read off, making a pile of them. Betty didn't stop once she had gathered all 8, no no - she kept picking up page after pamphlet muttering "and this, and this" under her breath. At this point, I pulled ever object from my pocket and hurled them at her, hoping that she would be stunned long enough for me to escape. Not really, but that is what I should have done. I looked at my wife, we both rolled our eyes and took the stack of paper the helpful secretary gave us. Betty must have training in keeping people hostage with inane babble because she did a damn good job of keeping me in that god forsaken office, she managed over 15 minutes.

Sometimes I think that I am too nice to stupid people - and other times I just wish that I had a camera handy to record their stupidity in all of it's glory. This time however I will have to get my revenge in the world of blogs. All and all, let's just hope that Betty doesn't ever run into Satan, she might be able to teach him a trick or two.

Until next time,
~ Mr. Me ~


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