Sunday, February 13, 2005

Perfection - In A Bag

Today while I was walking around Costco, I happened upon a product called "Perfection". What I found most interesting about this item was what "Perfection" actually was ... (drumroll please) ... long stalk wheat. Yep, for all of you that are looking for perfection, it can be found in a white bag at Costcos everwhere.

Today's Rant Of The Minute is brought to you by: The Number 2 (the greatest number), and "Perfection" - not just long *stalks* if you know what I mean. This rant is more of a general rant than my usual highly directional rants. Today I would like to rant about people who don't do their jobs. *cough*Nate*cough* Not that I am talking about anyone in particular here, but a certain person - who won't be named *cough*Nate*cough* has earned the right to be upgraded to a Grade B jerk due to his lack of work ability and general use of his handicap for his own personal gain. Yes, the person I am refering to has multiple handicaps, one of which is that his work ethic has gone to shit the last few weeks. His other handicap involves partial blindness (which doesn't stop him from reading books just like you and me - no big print or anything). This specimin has managed to do less in two weeks than I do in one night. He has no drive - no ability - and no need to try (thanks to his handicaps). On an up note, he has been labeled the black sheep of the janitor crew and has managed to make an ass of himself time and time again, only to get mad when someone picks on him. This ends the Rant Of The Minute, thanks to our sponsors: The Number 2,and "Perfection"

I got some bad news this morning - my Grandpa died last night, around 11:00 PM. I am planning to attend his funeral on Wednesday, so don't expect any updates between now and Friday.

That is all,
~ Mr. Me ~


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