Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Work is ... Work Related

Janitorial work isn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated. The worst part about the whole thing is (aside from the hours) being on your feet for ~7 of the 8 hour shift. Thank goodness that I had proper training to work up to this job. I can thank my FIL for making me do back breaking labor and (mostly) standing for the entire day, it kinda got me set for this job. I do need to invest in a new pair of sneakers, the ones that I have now are giving me a blister / callus on my right pinkie toe.

I would like to thank the participants of my first point race for partaking of the joy that is my insanity. The point breakdown is as follows:
1) Maggie = 10 points
2) Dr. Worm = 8 points
3) Baren = 2 points
4) Exquisite Dead Guy = 0 points
For an explanation of how I assigened these points, you can read the comments for my last post. I would also like to mention that you can lose points as well as gain them. I haven't decided how you can lose them yet, but I will (good suggestions rewarded with points). Speaking of suggestions, I'm looking for your next point earning opportunity.

Ok, I think I commercialized that last bit a little too much. Moving on then.

Oh yes, I was about to tell you what all my job has included so far. I have been on the surface cleaning crew and the trash crew so far. I am starting to understand the floor plan of the building (which is very good since it is freaking huge and all the halls still look the same). The surface crew does detail work in each office, wiping down desks, keyboard trays, and telephones. It is their duty to ensure that the office is complete when they leave, this also leaves them to check that the trash has been properly emptied and that the floors get vaccuumed. As for the trash crew, they go around to each office - get this - removing trash. Big surprise eh? Both jobs are relatively easy. The trash crew is a whole lot faster paced than the other (almost a power walk everywhere, while pushing garbage / recycle bins). It is critical that the trash crew get done as soon as possible so that any other crews coming in after them don't have to worry about trash.
The surface crew has to be a little anal about their job becuase it is the touch-up work that really makes the offices shine. This means that even the smallest *finger print* gets wiped off. All and all it is a lot of common sense.

Last night (my first night on the job), I tried to go to sleep as soon as I got home and didn't succeed for about a half hour, I was too wound from working. Tonight, I have learned my lesson - take a shower, update my blog, and chill out for a while to let myself slow to a sleepier pace.

Speaking of sleepier....................*snores and wakes up*
must be time for bed.

Until later then,
~ Mr. Me ~


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